Friday, April 08, 2005

New York Trip Day 1

Day 1: 3/13 Sunday
Arrive NYC @ JFK Airport at 7:30PM on time from LAX. I was trying to prepare myself stepping into the unknown city of New York. The Airtran was pretty nice, but when I walked into the connecting subway station, my heart sank a little bit. It's run down, cold, wet, dark and strangely quiet. People just stand around on their own, waiting for the train to come. The train itself is pretty old and noisy. I got off at the Time Square trying to meet up with my friends. My cell was out of battery at this best moment. Fortunately, I have a phone card that can be used from the public phone, so I finally got in touch with Carole. Although I tried hard to study the subway map on the plane, it still took me a while to figure out the enormous subway system in NYC. I finally met Carole, Sandra and Ivy at a cafe (dragging my luggage with me for 4 blocks). The cafe is one of the place where movie "You've Got Mail" is shot. It was pretty pricy and was completely packed, but we had a good time chatting and got to know each other.
After the dinner/supper, we went back to our own accomandations seperately. Mine is at Dillon's place on Maddison Ave and 98th St. I learned the hardway that some subway stations have only southbound trains but no northbound ones. It took me an extra hour to get back to Dillon's place after getting off at the wrong station. (1 AM)

First day in New York! Meeting up with Carole, Sandra, and Ivy in Cafe Lalo. Me and Ivy at the cashier of the Cafe Lalo. Posted by Hello


At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

大概每個去NYC的觀光客都會去Cafe Lalo吧?尤其是在電子情書這部片以後?

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Joe said...

Cafe Lalo 是有點貴到不行。


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