Thursday, April 14, 2005


各位同學,雖然這個 blog 充斥著廢話跟靠么,我還是很正常的人,這裡有個很重要的消息要傳達。

我正在計畫一個 road trip 想找三到四個人一起成行,路線還在規劃中,目前暫定六月中到六月底 (6/15-6/22)約一週,實際時間有蠻大的可能會還變動,試有興趣的人的檔期而定,我們會輪流開車,在美國西中北部走一些城市走(至少會去芝加 哥),細節還在計畫,如果有點興趣的話跟請我說一下,我可以 keep you updated。請用 MSN 跟我連絡,如果沒有我的 MSN 請留個 comment 附上聯絡 email or MSN,謝謝。

4/16: 更新︰在跟家人討論過後,可能會減少中間開車的時間,我自己雖然喜歡開車,但是花太多時間在車上看著一望無際的路似乎不是我所想要的,所以會認真研究火車 (Amtrak) 跟搭飛機的選擇。可能避免拉車超過三四百英哩距離。飛機可能用來一路拉到美東,在從那裡租車或搭火車回到西岸,或是反過來。目前有興趣的城市大多在美東, 不過南北都有。也想體驗一下從美國中部 red states 坐火車橫跨的感覺。飛機的好處就是快,應該拿來開頭或結尾,最好是結尾,應為那時應該已經累到不行,所以能快速回家應該是不錯。

Amtrak 旅遊參考這裡︰


People: Sure 1 (myself), Maybe 3
考慮中的城市: Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Oklahoma, Houston, Washington, DC
Milage: ?


At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

我也來偷看你了 :p


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


美國很多地方我都沒去過。去過的地方大概一隻手可以數出來 :'(

At 10:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ㄟ 只是跟你說一下, 一個禮拜開到芝加哥還要延路玩可能不夠耶? 阿 我要去忙著發呆了!!!

At 11:14 PM, Blogger Joe said...


我也是走的很少壓,現在很懊悔,決定要在開始工作前彌補一下。學生假應該還不少吧 (一副在工作的口吻),希望我們都有機會成行囉。


恩 可能不夠,我計畫一下

At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



At 4:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


(1)我一學期只會去main campus 一次,因為要去弄I-20。不過我很喜歡main campus, 非常漂亮。

(2) 我沒有混CCC (非常害怕很多台灣人的地方)

那你平常會去health science campus 晃晃嗎:p

At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Joe…

aiya...糟糕…Sorry ...我中文真的是太爛了 ….okey I give up...It took me fifteen minutes just to type that up...there's no way I can do it for another thirty minutes...還是用 English bah…

I guess we're all planning a little trip somewhere....You should ask Linda, maybe she'll be interested to go too? I heard DC is pretty fun....road trips are a lot of fun when you've got a group of friends going w/ you. =) for my own little trip, I've only just booked my plane ticket and hotel...still deciding where to go/see...

and the planning continues....=)

-- Dinah

At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's wrong with your running date shown on your blog? it shows the month of June. By the way,I would suggest a Amtrek trip is interesting than driving by a group of guys.

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Joe said...

To Dinah:

I hope the trip would be fun too! There is a lot to plan though, since there are many destinations. As for the date, I actually intentionally set it to a future date, so the entry would stick on top of the blog. Sorry for the confusion =D


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Joe said...


哈哈 沒什麼人要留言啦,所以就不麻煩了。
main campus 是很不錯押,不過我現在一禮拜一堂克,也沒什麼在去,去了也晚上了,埃,真沒當學生的感覺。

CCC 從 undergrad 就對老人會充滿敬意,現在老了,卻也混不太進去,不過大家都還不錯啦。

At 12:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
What's wrong with your running date shown on your blog? it shows the month of June. By the way,I would suggest a Amtrek trip is interesting than driving by a group of guys.

不過還蠻有道理....Amtrek 是 pretty fun...and less oppose to driving................

-- Dinah

At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello joe,

如果我在美國很樂意 join ur roadtrip!

有個電影適合看 ~ Motorcycle Diaries!

At 10:42 AM, Blogger Joe said...


阿速喔, sorry啦,哈 I am wondering who's so attentive to those details, Nick? Was that you?

And I have been lazy, man, have to pick up on planning details of the trip, or I won't get to go.



I heard a lot about Motorcycle Dairy! I should really check it out sometimes!

有空,回來玩玩吧!來西雅圖走走吧,你下次來,我應該在那了,Juliet 也在那,比較有吸引力吧,哈哈。


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